Shower Beds and Trolleys

Download Overview

Modsel shower beds are constructed for patient safety and ease of use by allied health professionals and in-home care. They feature a clean, mess-free design with durable materials.


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Primarily used with a nurse’s or carer’s assistance, these are ideal for an individual with limited or no body movement or strength to wash, They can be easily maneuvered into a wet area and tailored to meet specific patient’s or resident’s requirements. Additionally, they are also beneficial in helping with any back issues that can arise from lifting the ill person into a shower or bath. This option alleviates this need.

Wet Trolley Features

While brands may differ, their essential role is to be reliable, stable solutions for bathing.

Nursing people who have difficulty moving or cannot move at all is so much easier when you have the right bed for hygiene procedures. Ask us how we can organise the right waterproof trolley for you at an affordable price.